Some meetings for this session are still to be finalised. Our website is updated as details become available and Fellows will receive the usual email notification before each meeting.
Monday 25th September 2017, at 7pm
Capt I S Groom MBE RN CEng FIMarEST
Senior Naval Officer, HMS Prince of Wales, Rosyth
Mr Gavin Ireland
BAE Systems
"Constructing the Nation's Aircraft Carriers"
Monday 30th October 2017, at 7pm
Dr Chris Evans BSc PhD
Head of Science & UK E-ELT Programme Lead,
UK Astronomy Technology Centre,
"The European Extremely Large Telescope"
Monday 27th November 2017, at 7pm
Dr Declan A Diver
Reader in Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
"Fusion: power for the future"
Monday 29th January 2018, at 7pm
Professor Dame Anna F Dominiczak DBE MD FRCP FAHA FRSE FMedSci
Regius Professor of Medicine,
Vice-Principal and Head of College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,
University of Glasgow
"Precision Medicine in Glasgow, Scotland and World Wide"
Monday 26th February 2018, at 7pm
Dr Jason King BSc, PhD, MBA
Founder, Strathroslin Bioengineering
"The Power and Potential of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells"
Monday 26th March 2018, at 7pm
Professor Duncan P Hand BSc PhD
Deputy Head of School,
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences,
Heriot-Watt University
"Applications of high power lasers in manufacturing and medicine"
Monday 30th April 2018, at 7pm
Professor David J. Argyle BVMS PhD DECVIM-CA (Oncology) MRCVS
Head of School,
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute
"Managing Global Challenges on a One Health Platform"
Monday 4th June 2018, at 7pm
Annual General Meeting
Unless otherwise announced, meetings are at 7pm at the Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL. When possible these are on the fourth Monday of the month (September to April, but not December). The AGM is usually on the first Monday of June (to avoid the May Bank Holiday).