Some meetings for this session are still to be finalised. Our website is updated as details become available and we will send the usual email notifications to Fellows who have opted-in to receive them.
Monday 30th September 2024, at 7pm
Professor Jonathan Corney PhD BSc AMIMechE
“Adam Smith in the digital factory”
Monday 28th October 2024, at 7pm
Associate Professor Heather Stewart
“‘The abyss gazes also into you’: exploring the deepest oceans”
Monday 25th November 2024, at 7pm
Professor Harald Haas FREng FRSE FIEEE FIET
“Connectivity in a Modern World: Challenges and Solutions”
Monday 16th December 2024, at 7pm
John Whitfield an award winner of the 2024 RSSA Travel Scholarship
“My Summer Research in Toronto: Bacterial Fight Club”
followed by a Social evening for Fellows and their guests
Monday 27th January 2025, at 7pm
Professor Michelle Williams MBChB PhD BSc BA MRCP FRCR FSCCT
“Artificial intelligence and imaging of the heart”
Monday 24th February 2025, at 7pm
Professor Martin R Lee
“Meteorites and the origins of Earth’s oceans”
Monday 31st March 2025, at 7pm
Professor Willie Stewart MBChB PhD DipFMS FRCPath FRCPEdin
“Traumatic brain injury and lifelong brain health - time to ban heading in football?”
Monday 28th April 2025, at 7pm
Professor Alan Gow FHEA FBPsS
“Building brain health across the life course”
Monday 2nd June 2025, at 7pm
Annual General Meeting
Unless otherwise announced, meetings are at 7pm at the Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL. If Fellows prefer then they will be able to attend via Zoom. When possible these are on the last Monday of the month (September to April, but not December). The AGM is usually on the first Monday of June (to avoid the May Bank Holiday).